Chamomile Cool Mint
The Cultured Cup Tisane Organic
$ 0.00
approx servings
Mint’s energizing and refreshing quality balances the calming effect of chamomile. The yin and yang of caffeine-free blends.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Tisane+ | cooling, sweet apple, smooth
Tisane Tips: Mint energizes while chamomile soothes. Drink iced or hot.
Ingredients: Egyptian chamomile: 75% and Egyptian spearmint: 25%
How to Steep: 2 heaping tsp, 8 oz water, 212°F, 5–8 min
Fun Fact: Chamomile and mint were used medicinally by the Greeks and Egyptians.
Similar Tisanes: Chamomile Comfort, Spearmint Spa, Perky Peppermint, Orange Sunset Rooibos