Darjeeling Margaret's Hope
The Cultured Cup Black, 2nd Flush
$ 0.00
approx servings
A Second Flush (summer-picked) Darjeeling black tea with distinctive notes of muscat grape and sage.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Black | aged oak, muscat grape, medium-body, slightly dry finish, refreshing
Tea Tips: A midday tea. Because of its light body, use less milk with this tea.
Ingredients: India, Darjeeling 2nd Flush black tea: 100%
How to Steep: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz water, 205°F, 4–5 min
Fun Fact: The tea garden was named after the owner's daughter, who died on a ship traveling between India and England.
Similar Teas: Rose d'Himalaya by Mariage, Pearl Island, Assam Margherita Estate