Golden Sumatra
The Cultured Cup Light Roast
$ 0.00
approx servings
Sumatra's volcanic soil creates a rich, full-bodied coffee with very low acidity!
Comes in 8 or 16 oz. Please specify whole bean or preferred grind. Brewing directions are on each bag. NOTE: If grind is not selected, we will Drip (Med) grind the coffees.
Roast | Body | Flavors: light roast | full-body | butterscotch, cocoa
Coffee Tips: Indonesian coffees are renowned for their low acidity. To further reduce the acidity, cold-brew your coffee!
Fun Fact: Indonesia is one of the world's largest coffee producers, ranking 4th behind Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia.
Ingredients: Sumatra (Indonesia) Arabica coffee beans
Similar Coffees: Dallas Bold, La Minita Viennese