Milky Blue (Oolong)
Mariage Frères Oolong+ Organic
$ 0.00
approx servings
This lightly oxidized oolong tea features a delicate aroma, a velvety mouthfeel, and a creamy aftertaste—a beverage to sip and savor. Made from tender young leaves shaped into pearls, the tea's mouthfeel and flavor resemble our previously best-selling and now unavailable Cream Oolong.
Milky Blue (Oolong) is also available in a tin or teabag, listed separately.
Tea Type or Tisane | Flavors: Oolong+ | buttery, creamy mouthfeel, floral
Tea Tips: Serve neat to family and friends, who appreciate new flavor adventures.
Ingredients: Taiwan organic oolong tea, natural flavoring
How to Steep: 1 teabag, 8 oz water, 200°F, 5 min
Fun Fact: Thè Blue, or blue tea, is the common name for oolong in France.
Similar Teas: Milky Blue Absolu Teabags by Mariage, Tung Ting, Iron Goddess Honey Floral
The label Jardin Premier+ is reserved for organic teas whose exceptional purity meets the strict European regulations (ED) No. 834/2007 and (EC) No. 396/2005.