Beef Roll-Ups with Russian Caravan Tea

Recipe 1 :
- 1 lb LEAN oven roast beef cut into thin slices – from the deli counter
- 2 cups very strong cup, that is 2 Tablespoons tea to 2 cups water Russian Caravan brewed according to instruction and strained
- 2 Tablespoons oil – olive or canola
- 2 stalks celery - diced
- 1 cup diced onion
- 2 large carrots – diced
- 2 cloves garlic peeled and crushed
- ½ cup cups sugar
- 1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- ¼ cup light brown sugar
- ¼ cup ketchup
- ½ cup raisins [optional]
- . Saute vegetables and garlic until lightly browned and limp.Reserve
- . Steep the tea in the water . . . simmer gently for about 15 minutes
- . Then add the honey – sugar – lemon juice and vanilla and stir
- . Place the tea, brown sugar and ketchup in a small saucepan and simmer gently reducing sauce by 1/3
- . Season to taste with salt and pepper.Set aside
- . Spread the vegetable mixture on the bottom of the baking dish. Arrange the meat roll ups on top
- . Pour the tea sauce over the top or serve separately
- . Add raisins if desired
- . Leave to marinate for 24+ hours then heat and eat!
Recipe 2 :
- 1 lb oven roast beef slices cut into thin slices from the deli counter
- 2 cups strong Russian Caravanprepare tea using double the amount of tea leaves
- 1x 15 oz can diced tomatoes
- ½ small onion, peeled
- 1 cup diced onion
- 2 inch piece of ginger root
- 2 small carrots
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 2-3 teaspoons balsamic vinegar or to taste
- 1 Tablespoon brown sugar
- Salt and pepper to taste
- . Combine all the ingredients except the beef in a medium saucepan
- . Simmer gently uncovered for about 25 minutes
- . Remove from heat and discard the onion, ginger root and carrots
- . Puree the sauce. Test for seasoning
- . Season to taste with salt and pepper.Set aside
- . Leave to marinate for 24+ hours
- . Serve the meat rolls with the sauce on the side or poured over
This recipe was developed for the Cultured Cup by Kyra Effren
Copyright The Cultured Cup